Plan B...BBQ Forge!

Well after the dismal results of my coffee can forge and the obvious need to purchase an expensive torch, I have come to the conclusion that I need to come up with a different style of forge.

So...I went to our dump and picked up an old BBQ and brought it home. Thing of beauty, ain't it?

I stripped it off its lid, and anything plastic. The inside was basically stripped by its former owner, so that saved me some time.

I tightened up the frame, took off the side tables and now I have to clean it up. Tomorrow, I will pick up some oven cleaner and give it what-for.

I have to purchase a heavy quantity of plaster of paris for the refractory mixture, as filling the cavity and building up the sides will take some doing.

Then I will be making the Tuyere, out of a length of plumbing pipe. I will be installing it in the bottom of the BBQ and then drilling a series of small holes for the air. Then once that's done I will cap the
far end.

Well that's all for now. It's a process.


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