Two New Neck Knife Styles On Their Way

I have been asked if I do these knives by hand. Yes. Except for the grinder and belt sander, everything is done by hand. This process is terribly labor-intensive, but the result, which I pass on to you is very much worth it.

How many can say that when they purchase a one of a kind custom made Alder Tree Knife, they get something unique, different and timeless?

These are the sorts of knives that you can pass down to your children. These are the sorts of knives that will speak of history. These are the sorts of knives that will be unearthed one day by archeologists and held in awe.

The world is saturated with pretty, polished and fancy knives that look beautiful...but for those who want something more than beautiful, they look here. For my knives are rugged, strong, serviceable and will last a lifetime.

These are two new designs I have come up with. They are now ready for their handles. Keep watching...


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